About Us

Ready for some great news?

You’ve got this. 

And we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Many educators say that they love witnessing their clients’ ‘Ah-ha’ moment when the lightbulb turns on and they achieve a breakthrough. We’re no exception (our business cards have a lightbulb on them, afterall!), but what we love most is the connections we form along the way. We understand that sometimes a session is difficult or a season of life makes it harder to focus, and we believe everyone learns differently. It’s our mission to connect with clients and help them figure out what works for them in the moment, and how to best equip them for a bright future.

The full story

You could say education runs in our family’s blood.

Around the Eason table, it’s typical to hear things like, “Guess what I learned recently?” or “Can I show you an easier way to do that?”. Education runs in our hearts and powers our family’s culture, but it wasn’t until health issues compelled Jo Anna to move back home and required a more flexible schedule that we started dreaming about running our own education business together.

Carolyn is a retired math teacher with a math degree from Clemson and experience teaching and tutoring at higher ed institutions. She also taught piano in the community form more than 20 years. Jo Anna has a communication studies degree with a minor in vocal performance from Clemson and has worked in advertising, media, communications, and as a professional tutor at higher ed institutions. With decades of experience between them, they put their heads together to start Eason Tutoring & Consulting in 2017 and haven’t looked back since. Now it’s your turn to join in!

Fun Facts

You'd probably never guess...

Jo Anna + Carolyn
  • We will do almost anything to avoid household chores. Anyone want to trade lessons for cleaning?
  • We are both Clemson graduates and fans—go Tigers!
  • Our dog Tinkerbelle is #clingy and will absolutely make an appearance during your lesson.
Jo Anna
  • My favorite foods are chocolate chip cookies and okra (not together, of course!).
  • I can quote every line from The Sound of Music. Movie night, anyone?
  • I’m able to read in the noisiest places! Blaring music? No problem. Crowded cafe? Easy.
  • I love snacking on radishes with a little sprinkle of salt.
  • For a math nerd, I hate doing math problems in my head. Pen and paper, please.
  • I’m a big fan of TV period pieces, drama, and fiction, but skip the fantasy stories.

We love a good pun or awkward math joke, but

We take our brand values very seriously:


We honor and respect our clients’ trust.


We are flexible for our clients and ask the same in return to create a mutual learning partnership.


We offer as many services as we can and what we don’t offer, we can help you find.


We believe in finding solutions for everyone, even if that means referring you to another provider.